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Case 1

Time to sign up case : 2 hours

Analytical Ratings 

Liability Rating : 4.5                                         Damage Rating : 4.5

We changed the identity and location of the parties involved, but this is an example  of a real case that came in for one of our law firm customers. Due to getting this accident information fast and in an easy-to-read format, the law firm quicky reached out to the mother and signed up the client before other law firms even knew this case existed.

Potential Case Value : $ 212,000.00

Case 2

Time to sign up case : 6 hours

Analytical Ratings 

Liability Rating : 3.0                                         Damage Rating : 3.5

We changed the identity and location of the parties involved, but this is an example of a real case that came in for one of our law firm customers. Due to getting this accident information fast and in an easy-to-read format, the law firm was able to determine the viability of the case and sign up the customer quickly.

Potential Case Value : $ 374,000.00

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